Fund | Unplash by Pepi Stojanovski
Fund | Unplash by Pepi Stojanovski
The County of Maui Office of Economic Development will hold a fiscal year 2024 Grants Training Workshop via BlueJeans videoconferencing beginning at 1 p.m. Friday, March 31. The workshop will assist nonprofit and for-profit organizations that administer viable programs, projects or events that are designed to make a positive economic impact within the county. The workshop is scheduled to prepare for the Office of Economic Development fiscal year grants funding, which is pending final approval by the Maui County Council. “We are looking forward to having you join us for our upcoming workshop and are excited to receive your applications that will have an effective economic impact on our Maui Nui communities,” said Luana Mahi, Director of the Office of Economic Development. An overview of the newest requirements in the fiscal year 2024 grant application and handbook will be provided in the free training. Workshop participants also will have a chance to ask questions at the end of the presentation. Former grantees and project managers are encouraged to participate. New applicants are also welcomed. To request an invite code to attend the workshop on BlueJeans, send email to Due to BlueJeans limitations, space is limited to the first 150 people. The deadline to reserve a spot is Wednesday, March 28.
Original source can be found here.